Die Wilden Luste Meiner Schulfreundinnen 1984

gay gratuit sexe Die Wilden Luste Meiner Schulfreundinnen 1984

Alterative titles
Liceali vogliose
Studio: Herzog
Directed by: Pit Brinkmann as Ken Brown
Starring: Diddi Korner, Conny Reinhard, Gabi Schindler, Sissy Harler, Tanja Simon, Monika Felix, Alban Ceray, Ricco Baumgart, Kaminskym Bert, Sascha Atzenbeck
Description: A fuck in the classroom, or getting laid by the teacher- isn´t that the dream of almost every schoolgirl? For lessons in sex the wet schoolgirls only take lovers with the most experience. Because only these guys know, what the girls really want. Even the chemistry teacher gets to fuck the hot girls. Conny, Birgit, horny Elke, Susi, Gabi and a lot more hot chicks do what they want in this movie. For every girl the adventure of sex is waiting. The little minxes ride their teachers.
Language: Germany